Thursday, November 11, 2004

Introducing: The Acupuncture Point of the Day!

As some of you may know, I am currently a student of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. What I'm trying to tell you is, when I'm blogging, I really should be studying. But, genius that I am, I have discovered a way to do both at the same time! I thought to myself this morning-- "Self-- there are 365 acupuncture points on the body. Not coincidentally, (everything in TCM is linked to the cosmos around us), there are 365 days in the year. I need to study everyday to learn them. I like to write in my blog everyday. Hey!"

Thus, I would like to introduce to you a new feature on this . . . errr, new blog, for yours and my own edifying pleasure:

The Acupuncture Point of the Day!

We will go through the points in order, starting with the Hand Tai Yin channel, which is associated with and linked to the Lung, and then following it as it connects to its paired channel, Hand Yang Ming, which will in turn link to another channel, and this will go on in order as it does around the body, creating one big giant connected channel made up of twelve distinct channels, all together. Of course, there are some extraneous channels that we'll have to go over, and on a leap year, maybe we'll touch on some of the extra points (points that lie outside the channels) as well. Fun fun, eh?

If you're already lost, no problem! This is really for my benefit more than it is for yours, anyway! But I'll do my best to break things down along the way, and if you need some online resources to help you out, I'll offer those, too-- starting with this great site right here.

On to our first point!


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