Thursday, January 06, 2005

A Happy Birthday Indeed

Thanks to all of you who called and emailed to wish me a happy birthday yesterday! It really was a wonderful day for me.


--Taught a pilates class at 7am in the morning-- always a great way to start any day.

--Was treated to a lovely traditional Ramsey family breakfast of grits, eggs over-easy, and turkey bacon all mashed together by my lovely wife.

--Answered cards and phone calls from family and friends, some from as far away as Japan.

--Had a quiet day at home with the (neighbor's) cat-- did lots of meditating-- most excellent.

--Went to my school clinic and got diagnosed with kidney yang deficiency with liver qi stagnation and heart blood deficiency. Awesome! Got put on some strange syrupy herbs which promise to taste like opossum vomit. Yay!

--Baked a few dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to eat. Yum.

--Went out for dinner at California Pizza Kitchen.

--Bought a new cookie jar to put my cookies in.

--Rented and watched "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle"-- a super hilarious stoner movie.

--Got cool presents: a book on geo-political conflict called "The Pentagon's New Map," by Thomas Barnett (thanks Mom!), and from my wife a pull-up bar complete with lifting gloves to protect my delicate paws, "America: the Book" by Jon Stewart (had me laughing 'til 2am last night), and perhaps best of all, the expansion set to "Starfarers of Catan," which is without question the coolest board game I have ever played, and the new rules/additions look super neato (more on that later).

Overall, a very nice way to celebrate turning 32.

Love to all,



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