Thursday, November 11, 2004

Acupuncture Point of the Day, 11/11/04

Lung-1, or "Zhongfu," meaning "Middle Palace."

Today's acupuncture point is called "Zhongfu," and it is the first point on the Hand Tai Yin channel. The Hand Tai Yin channel is associated with and connected to the Lung. This means that a lot (but certainly not all) of its indications and functions will correspond to conditions of the Lung. Channels are often called after their associated organ here in the West; hence, this point is usually called "Lung-1."

This point is located laterosuperiorly to the sternum, 1 cun (pronounced "soon"-- it's a Chinese inch equal to about the width of your thumb knuckle)-- below "Yunmen" (Lung-2), at the level of the first intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Got that? It means it's on your chest off to the side, kinda under your shoulder.

You can needle it to a depth of about .5-.8 of a cun, but you must needle laterally-- going straight in risks puncturing the Lung.

"What's it do?" I hear you ask. Well let me tell you-- first of all, it's the Front Mu point of the Lung, meaning it has a very direct affect on the Lung itself. It's main job is to relieve all kinds of "excess" Lung conditions, especially "heat"; that is, coughing, phlegm in the lungs, burning pain in the Lungs, throat, or nose, shortness of breath, wheezing, that kinda thing. A general sense of "too much" going on with the Lung. Additionally, it has a strong action of descending the Lung Qi and Stomach Qi, which helps keep air moving in and keeps your food moving down. In TCM, the Lung has a lot to do with the skin, so you can use this point to treat excess conditions of the skin, too. Finally, on a psycho-emotional note, it is said that this point helps restore the connection between the Heart and the Lung, which can be brought on by abuse, and is usually exhibited by people who act like they are "lost lambs."

In terms of its overall importance and value, I give it four stars out of ten.

And that's Zhongfu!


At 12:27 AM, Blogger Mux said...

Hi Layli!

Thanks for being the first person to post a comment to my blog! A historical occasion-- in the sense of history that won't make it into the actual history books, really. But exciting nevertheless! And go on-- start that blog!


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