Monday, November 15, 2004

Bob Jones Declares War

Culture war, that is. Read his congratulatory letter to George Bush.

UPDATE: So they pulled the letter from the Bob Jones University site-- the link's no good now. But here's the defining quote:

""You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ."


At 2:50 PM, Blogger Mux said...

"Moderate Republican Senator": GeneThug's referring to Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. Here's the deal:

I don't buy the idea that the Christian Right has to share it's politcal leverage with all the other factions that may have helped Bush win. first thing out of Rove's mouth after the election? Gay marriage ammendment is still a top priority. Rove knows who he owes, and in his mind, it's the Christian Right. Not only that, but he (err, Bush) can toss some huge bones their way with the Supreme Court vacancies that will likely open up, and oh yes, he'll toss, or risk open CR disdain. He has built a winning strategy around this base, and he won't be abandoning it in '08, I reckon.


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