Sunday, August 27, 2017

Feeling bloggy again...

Well, hello, my old friend....

So this is something I haven't done in... haven't checked for the exact date... I'm guessing 12 years?

Why come back now?

I find I still want to jot down thoughts, share my worldview, express real ideas, challenge my own perspective, challenge the perspective of others, seek the truth, share in wisdom, catalog my daily musings and revelations, and offer a space for others to do the same.

In short, I want to blog. I want to share an open journal.

I think life took me away from blogging. My wife at the time made me feel a bit guilty about writing when I should have been busy studying. She wasn't wrong. My school work did really need my attention, and that's where my attention turned. And then to my career, and then to my child, etc. And by all measure, I haven't the time to write now, and could feel guilty about doing so, given my work and parenting demands, but I don't find much use for guilt these days...

I also think Facebook kinda stole the show. Who needs to blog, when we were all suddenly in the same place, checking the same feed. Our thoughts could just go there, and that's basically what happened. At least, for a while...

But not everyone on Facebook wants to share deeper, more meaningful discussion. A poem looks out of place, now, alongside photos of kids and videos of people on vacation. And there are so many people on your feed, it somehow loses its intimacy. Your friends list starts to include people you barely know. The level of actual discourse on politics, science, sociology, or spirituality becomes shallow, snippy, snarky, and trollish. The whole site became one giant TL;DR.

Facebook actually became so big, that creating a blog where the whole internet can find you is can actually feel more anonymous!

Anonymity... I think I will maintain a bit. I haven't checked the settings, but I'm hoping there's an option to keep this blog private. I will invite those who want to share, discuss, rant, etc. I'm not totally decided on that, but I think its best if its a safe space, a private forum. Or we can just keep names private. Something along those lines.

So here's to kicking off a better place to share. For those people I know and love who want to do better sharing.

I wonder if people who've subscribed to this blog in the past will get a notice once I post this?

Let's find out...


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